Tan Arda Gedik, M.A.
Tan Arda Gedik, M.A.
About me
I am a doctoral researcher at the Chair of Language and Cognition of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. I investigate the effects of literacy on morphosyntax in native speakers of Turkish, and how these effects lead to individual differences.
Research interests
I am an English teacher by training, thus I am broadly interested in the applications of usage-based constructionist approaches to language teaching, textbooks, testing & evaluation, and individual differences in native language attainment (especially Turkish). As a speaker of Turkish, I am interested in applying construction grammar to the representation of the language. Finally, in a number of publications, I converge cognitive linguistics and posthumanism. A list of topics I have covered in my research are:
- Lexicogrammar in applied linguistics
- Construction grammar
- Individual differences in constructional knowledge
- Literacy effects
Further information available at tangedik.owlstown.net
Gedik, Tan Arda. forthcoming. Ekodilbilim ve Posthümanist Uygulamalı Dilbilim [Ecolinguistics and Posthumanist Applied Linguistics]. In Başak Ağın (ed.), Beşeri Bilimlerin 50 Tonu.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2022. A Usage-Based Constructionist Approach to Evidentiality: The Turkish Unevidentiality Construction. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16(1). 61–82. https://doi.org/10.47777/cankujhss.1001326.
Gedik, Tan Arda & Zeynep Arpaözü. 2022. Entangled Humans, Entangled Languages: A Citizen Sociolinguistic Analysis of COVID-19 on Reddit. In Başak Ağın & Şafak Horzum (eds.), Posthuman Pathogenesis, 167–186. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003288244
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2022. An Analysis of Lexicogrammatical Development in English Textbooks in Turkey: A Usage-Based Construction Grammar Approach. Explorations in English Language and Linguistics 9(1). 26–55. https://doi.org/10.2478/exell-2022-0002.
Gedik, Tan Arda. & Yağmur Su Kolsal. 2022. A Corpus Based Approach to English University Entrance Exams and English High School Textbooks in Turkey. TAPSLA 8(1). 157–176. https://doi.org/10.31261/TAPSLA.8431.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2021. Manner of Motion Verbs: Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences15(1). 184–199. https://doi.org/10.47777/cankujhss.891111.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2021. Posthümanist Dilbilim Bakış Açısının Dil Öğretmenliği Bölümlerindeki Gerekliliği [The necessity of implementing a posthumanist applied linguistic perspective in teacher training programs]. Pasajlar. https://www.pasajlardergisi.com/wp- content/uploads/2021/02/Sayi-7-Tan-Arda-Gedik.pdf
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2020. Motion Lexicon: A Corpus-Based Comparison of English Textbooks and University Entrance Exams in Turkey. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies 5(3). 31–46. https://doi.org/10.22034/efl.2020.246122.1053.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2020. Translation of Turkish Swear Words in Subtitling: GORA. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 8(1). 19–26.