Date: November 5, 2024
Time: 6.00 pm
Location: Room 3.17, Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 61, Erlangen
Language: English
In this talk, I present findings from the Representations of Obesity in the News project – a recent programme of work carried out within the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approac...
The Chair for English Cultural and Literary Studies is pleased to announce Henk de Berg as this semester’s Researcher in Residence. The Researcher in Residence is a format designed as an opportunity for students and staff alike to form connections with internationally renowned researchers. The idea is to go beyond the usual types of classes and to be able to get up close and personal with the researcher both on the topic(s) of their research but also their experience in academia in their field and their country. Henk de Berg will spend the week of July 8th through July 12th at FAU and host or participate in various teaching and discussion formats...
Venedig sei die unwahrscheinlichste der Städte, lesen wir in Thomas Manns berühmter Künstlernovelle Der Tod in Venedig (1912) eine Behauptung, die nach wie vor mit nicht allzu großem Widerspruch zu rechnen hat. Denn in der Tat: Die Serenissima ist eine städtebauliche Kuriosität sondergleichen, ihre Entstehung in den Fluten des adriatischen Meeres präsentiert sich dem gesunden menschlichen Verstand als irritierende Aberration. Vor allem deswegen fasziniert uns die Lagunenstadt, vor allem deswegen ist sie wie wohl kaum eine andere über die Jahrhunderte hinweg bereist, beschrieben, gemalt, fotografiert und auf Film gebannt worden.
The Researcher in Residence is a format designed as an opportunity for students and staff alike to form connections with internationally renowned researchers. The idea is to go beyond the usual types of classes and to be able to get up close and personal with the researcher both on the topic(s) of their research but also their experience in academia in their field and their country. We are excited to launch this project this semester and look forward to many more Researchers in Residence in the future. Kicking us off as our first guest is Kristin Mahoney.
Identität und gesellschaftliche Partizipation werden nach wie vor mit Arbeit und Beruf verknüpft. Darüber hinaus werden Berufe durch soziale Differenzierungen geprägt und modellieren in der praktischen beruflichen Arbeit zugleich gesellschaftliche Differenzsetzungen.
Die interdiszip...
Die Arbeitsgruppe „Semantiken des Verzichts: Perspektiven auf die Wohlstandsgesellschaft und ihre Kosten“ hat unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Heike Paul ihre Arbeit an der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW) aufgenommen. Ziel ist es, den Verzichtsbegriff interdisziplinär zu erschließen und mit der Öffentlichkeit darüber in Dialog zu treten.
In a great success for researchers at the Department of English and American Studies, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funding for two new research training groups: “Die Konstruktionsgrammatische Galaxis” and “Literatur und Öffentlichkeit in differenten Gegenwartskulturen.”
The Con...
The changing media environment of the English Restoration brought forth a sizeable increase in various forms of literary culture, including the birth of large-scale periodical publishing and the ready availability of the letter. Contrary to the widely held consensus that the letter promoted reliability, recent scholarship has stressed the form’s deconstructive potential, allowing both readers and writers to reflect on the mediated nature of writing and the tenuous relationship between sign and reality.
FAU is hosting the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) conference “Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics” on 17-19 March 2021, organised by Prof. Dr. Judith Huber and the junior research group “Flexible Writers in Language History”.
At this year's dissertation awards ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology, two English and American Studies alumni were honored for their excellent theses.
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