Neue Buchveröffentlichung: Christian Krugs Studie zu Sam Mendes' Skyfall ist am 1. September erschienen (München: edition text+kritik, ISBN 978-3-96707-999-9)
Aus der Verlagsankündigung:
Von Kameramann Roger Deakins’ virtuosen Bildern befeuert, schlägt Skyfall ästhetische Brücken vom Action-Film...
Das Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Friedrich-Alexander Universität trauert um Dr. Hubert Gburek, der am 2. Oktober 2024 nach längerer Krankheit verstorben ist.
Hubert Gburek kam im Jahr 1972 an die FAU, wurde später zum Akademischen Oberrat befördert und bildete über viele Jahrzehnt...
Date: Oct. 10, 2024 (9 a.m.-6 p.m.)
Location: 00.15 PSG, Kochstraße 6a, 91054 Erlangen
When The Myths That Made America came out ten years ago, it had a wide-ranging impact as a new and timely introduction to the field of American Studies. With its systematic analyses of core foundational myths ...
Date: Oct. 9, 2024 (7 p.m.)
Location: Wassersaal (Orangerie), Wasserturmstraße 3, Erlangen
Join us for a conversation with Richard Slotkin and Heike Paul on the the myths that have shaped American identity, their use in contemporary politics, and the current cultural and political divides in the...
Where does our chocolate come from? Do we really think about this when we reach for it at the supermarket? And should globalization only be seen as something positive? All these topics are part of Tara Sullivan's novel The Bitter Side of Sweet. The seminar "Cultures of Work: Literature, Photography,...
Alina Aulbur was awarded the President’s Prize at this year’s 30th anniversary Burney Society UK Conference in Greenwich. The Burney Society UK is dedicated to the study and celebration of the entire Burney family and its history, especially the life and works of Frances Burney – styled the “Mother of English Fiction” by Virginia Woolf. The prize was awarded by society president Peter Sabor for her paper on “Frances Burney’s Literary Exploration: Masculine Women, Female Wits”, in which Alina Aulbur examines Burney’s development of the female wit as a character type that enables the author to subversively contribute to critical discourses on eighteenth-century society.
The Chair for English Cultural and Literary Studies is pleased to announce Henk de Berg as this semester’s Researcher in Residence. The Researcher in Residence is a format designed as an opportunity for students and staff alike to form connections with internationally renowned researchers. The idea is to go beyond the usual types of classes and to be able to get up close and personal with the researcher both on the topic(s) of their research but also their experience in academia in their field and their country. Henk de Berg will spend the week of July 8th through July 12th at FAU and host or participate in various teaching and discussion formats...
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
seit November 2023 gibt es an der FAU das Queer Staff Network, ein informelles Netzwerk für queere Mitarbeitende aus allen Disziplinen und Bereichen. Ziel des Netzwerks ist es, die Vielfalt an der FAU zu fördern und proaktiv für den Austausch, die Sichtbarkeit und das Empowerm...
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Guignery (ENS Lyon) will give a guest lecture on Jonathan Coe and other contemporary writers. All interested students and members of staff are invited to attend the guest lecture. This is an event organised by the Chair of English Literary Studies and funded by DAAD. If you have an...
Unfortunately, this talk must be postponed:
Prof. Dr. Nadia Butt (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; Chair of Global Anglophone Literatures and Cultures) will give a guest lecture on the topic Partition Novel as Trauma Fiction: A Postcolonial Reading in the seminar Anglophone Postcolonial Li...
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